Designing Out Crime Officer
Role Purpose
This profile has recently been updated to include the CVF 2024 and core skills, and the new version can be found on College Learn by entering the Profile title in the search function. Please note this profile is out of date and is in the process of being reviewed.
To provide specialist advice and guidance regarding the built environment at every stage of architectural design from pre-planning to the full development control process (to minimise crime, fear of crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour).
Key Accountabilities
- Liaise with architects, designers, planners and developers to promote an awareness of the designing out crime service and NPCC approved crime prevention initiatives (for example, Secured by Design and the Safer Parking scheme), to build awareness of the principles of crime prevention through environmental design and to encourage adoption of recommended standards and specifications.
- Provide specialist advice on the security, design and refurbishment of developments to influence their design standards and specifications in order to minimise crime, disorder, anti-social behaviour and perception of crime.
- Engage and influence local authority planning departments to prioritise the principles of reducing crime and fear of crime as key development principles in their creation of safe, secure and sustainable communities.
- Promote the incorporation of relevant policies in local plans and other key documents relating to the built environment (for example Supplementary Planning Guidance, CIL guidance, Housing Strategy, Designing Out Crime and CPTED principles etc.).
- Engage with and liaise with the police Counter Terrorism Security Advisor, in accordance with the current memo of understanding.
- Assist in the delivery of Government led initiatives including assisting the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner where required.
- Influence how local authorities use their applicable legislation and available local, regional and national funding sources to minimise crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour.
- Review and feedback on planning applications to identify areas of risk where criminality and misuse of space could occur or escalate.
- Participate in problem solving forums and represent policing consultations on new situational crime prevention initiatives, planning policies and legislation, and planning applications; to ensure that local policing needs are represented appropriately, that best practice is shared, and issues relating to designing out crime are considered.
- Maintain comprehensive, accurate records of activities and outcomes and produce reports as required to support management decision making and analysis of lessons learned.
All roles are expected to know, understand and act within the ethics and values of the Police Service.
The Competency and Values Framework (CVF) has six competencies that are clustered into three groups. Under each competency are three levels that show what behaviours will look like in practice.
It is suggested that this role should be operating or working towards the following levels of the CVF:
Resolute, compassionate and committed
Inclusive, enabling and visionary leadership
Intelligent, creative and informed policing
Education, Qualifications, Skills and Experience
Prior education and experience:
- Successfully complete NPCC approved L5 Diploma in Crime Prevention – Designing Out Crime training within 12 months of starting the role.
- Knowledge of force high crime risk areas and the nature of those environments.
- Knowledge and understanding of planning processes (local planning and development control) and the key drivers for different stakeholders in these.
- Knowledge and understanding of best practices in design in relation to preventing crime, disorder and antisocial behaviour.
- Able to interpret construction plans and specifications.
- Able to set out logical arguments clearly, adapting language, form and message to meet the needs of different people / audiences.
- Able to identify key stakeholders, understand their roles and to take appropriate steps to understand their needs and concerns.
- Able to proactively develop effective working relationships with colleagues, partners and other stakeholders.
- Able to conduct environmental visual audits and analysis.
- Able to identify potential crime risks and provide commensurate solutions to design out crime.
- Able to appropriately prioritise and plan own work.
- Able to produce concise reports or other documents.
- Skilled in the use of standard IT packages, systems and/or databases to fulfil role requirements.
- Able to identify potential opportunities to enhance efficiency and/or effectiveness within own area of work.
- Good team working skills demonstrating awareness of individual differences and providing support as required.
- Able to review own performance objectively and to develop and follow an appropriate improvement plan.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
CPD is ongoing; it enables the individual, in collaboration with their organisation, to maintain, develop and gain recognition for existing and new professional skills, knowledge and competence. It is undertaken to ensure we continue to provide high quality policing to keep the public safe and help to drive career aspirations. More information on how to plan CPD can be found here.
Discussion of CPD is usually included as part of a Professional Development Review (PDR). PDR is a tool to support police officers and staff to take ownership of their professional development and plan career progression. More information on how to use a PDR for development can be found here.
This section has three parts:
- annual learning/mandatory training/accreditation requirements
- signposting to suggested activities and resources for the individual to maintain and enhance competence and professional development in the role, and
- any ongoing professional registration and/or licensing requirements of the role)
Annual learning/accreditation requirements
(Outlines mandatory/annual learning or requirements to maintain accreditation in the role. Please note any exemption is at Chief Constable discretion, in line with local force policy.)
- Complete NPCC mandated professional development in accordance with the nationally approved scheme.
Professional development
In order to keep up to date with new approaches to evidence based policing, and new technological approaches within the Designing out Crime Officer role, the following should be considered:
- Keep up to date with all new standards and developments relating to crime prevention through environmental design, security products, problem solving and relevant regulations.
Professional Registration/Licenses
Not applicable.
Links to other Profiles
- Crime Prevention Tactical Advisor
- Crime Prevention Manager