Case Studies
The College of Policing has put together a series of Case Studies to help show how study for academic and professsional qualifications can work in real life situations. Over time it is intended that the number of Case Studies listed here will grow - if you have a story that you think ould help to inspire and ancourage others to undertake study, or provide best practise for Forces or Recognised Qualification Providers then please get in touch throug the 'Contact Us' section.
How Paul has used his experience and learning to gain credits for his undergraduate degree in Policing
How Liam's learning from skills and experience helped him gain a degree
An example of how the learning gained from the skills and experience an individual has developed through a career in policing can help them to achieve a qualification
The benefits of completing academic study
A personal account of how studying for a degree has benefitted them both personally and professsionally.
Recognition and consolidation of existing skills
How force support helped a DI consolidate and develop his existing skills and knowledge and gain an MA
Force Support - even the smallest gesture can help
An example of how even a small amount of force support can have a huge impact on the motivation of an individual to succeed.
From AS Levels to a BSc - a story of success
An example of how a PCSO with 4 AS Levels gained a BSc in Policing
Force Sponsored Learning Panel
An example of how one force provides financial support to their staff, explaining how this is set up and administered, how decisions about funding are made, and monitoring of learners.
Information and Guidance
Information and Guidance for individuals, forces and HEIs, explaining the RPL process and highlighting areas for consideration.
Credit Estimator
The Credit Estimator tool helps you find out the typical number of credits you might be able to claim for the learning gained from your skills and experience
Find out which Universities and Registered Qualification Providers have agreed to the College RPL Process. You'll find a list of the courses, examples of some of the course content, location of where the course is, information on how the course is taught as well as an idea of how much it might cost.
How To Apply
These pages help you understand how to apply to have your prior experience and learning recognised
Short Credit Bearing Learning Modules
Several Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) and Professional Awarding Bodies are looking at providing short 'bite sized' credit bearing learning modules relative to topics across policing for officers and staff.