Guidance for individuals
How to use this document
This guidance document isn’t designed to be read cover to cover, instead we want you to use it as a flexible resource to find out what you need to know.
Pick out the sections with particular relevance to you and what you need to know.
Explaining RPL and how it could work for you
Use the sections listed to find out more about how you could receive academic credits for the learning you have gained through your experience and training. Find out what academic credits and levels are and how they can help you achieve an academic or professional qualification.
How can my Policing experience help me get a qualification?
How do I apply?
How do I find out how many academic credits I might be entitled to?
How is a qualification going to help me?
How it could work
What are academic credits and levels?
What personal qualities do I need to complete a qualification?
Checklist of things to consider when applying for RPL
Think about what you might need to think about when starting out in academic study
RPL Tools
Find out which Universities and Registered Qualification Providers have agreed to the College RPL Process. You'll find a list of the courses, examples of some of the course content, location of where the course is, information on how the course is taught as well as an idea of how much it might cost.
Case Studies
Case Studies to inspire, support and show how RPL can work for the individual, the Force and the HEI
The Credit Estimator tool helps you find out the typical number of credits you might be able to claim for the learning gained from your skills and experience.