Role Purpose
This profile has recently been updated to include the CVF 2024 and core skills, and the new version can be found on College Learn by entering the Profile title in the search function. Please note this profile is out of date and is in the process of being reviewed.
A coach or mentor works with an individual or a small group to help them to define and achieve their career and personal objectives, improve performance or resolve work-based performance issues. The relationship is finite, often over a short timescale, focusing on specific skills or improvement goals. It can be initiated by the individual or by their line manager. This can be a formal or informal role.
Key Accountabilities
- Establish a professional relationship with the individual. Contract with them to clarify the boundaries of the relationship, develop mutually agreed expectations of the process including roles, responsibilities and time commitment, and to build trust.
- Work with the individual to help clarify their goals, to break these down into milestones or steps, and to identify the actions they will take and continually evaluate and modify those goals.
- Offer advice and guidance and/or coaching, including signposting development opportunities that they may explore, to contribute to their learning and development.
- Periodically review the aims and effectiveness of the relationship, and the outcomes achieved. Identify and agree appropriate changes with the individual, and agree when the relationship will end.
- If appropriate, provide feedback to the individual and their manager.
All roles are expected to know, understand and act within the ethics and values of the Police Service.
The Competency and Values Framework (CVF) has six competencies that are clustered into three groups. Under each competency are three levels that show what behaviours will look like in practice.
It is suggested that this role should be operating or working towards the following levels of the CVF:
Resolute, compassionate and committed
Inclusive, enabling and visionary leadership
Intelligent, creative and informed policing
Education, Qualifications, Skills and Experience
Prior Education and Experience:
- Training in either coaching and/or mentoring skills.
- Can develop rapport, trust and credibility.
- Can use questioning, listening and non-verbal communication techniques to give, elicit and receive feedback and to overcome communication barriers.
- Able to apply a structured approach to the coaching and/or mentoring process.
- Able to apply assessment techniques in observing and assessing performance, able to give effective developmental feedback.
- Able to apply an understanding of human behaviour to the identification of barriers to performance and learning, and to identifying appropriate development actions.
- Able to coach and/or mentor effectively in both face to face and digital environments.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
- Develop and maintain a professional network for supportive relationships
- Continually reflect on personal practice and share learning with peers in order to improve own coaching or mentoring practice.
- Maintain and enhance knowledge and understanding of coaching and/or mentoring theory, techniques and skills.
- Formal accreditation and/or qualification in coaching or mentoring.
Professional Registration/Licenses
Not applicable
Links to other Profiles
- Head of Learning and Development
- Assessor
- Internal Verifier
- Learning Designer
- Trainer
- Instructor
- Tutor/Tutor Constable