The Professional Profiles

The Professional Profiles describe generic roles across the policing profession, for police officers and police specific staff roles.

The Professional Profiles describe generic roles across the policing profession, for police officers and police specific staff roles.                     

The profiles held on this site  contain the Competency and Values Framework (CVF) 2016 and will be removed when this expires in May 2025.

The most recent versions of the professional profiles, including the CVF 2024 and Core Skills, together with any new profiles developed in 2024 and current guidance on using profiles, are temporarily held in CollegeLearn, pending the development of their new home on the College website.  To access these versions, login to College Learn and either click on Browse, Specialist Learning (Learning Programmes), Policing Professional Profiles to view all profiles or enter a specific profile name (e.g. Kennel Assistant) in the search function.                  

During the transition between CollegeLearn and the College website a profile may be in either location.  To find the location of specific profiles please click here for an up to date list of profile locations.

All existing profiles are subject to an ongoing maintenance process.

For any support, guidance or additional information regarding professional profiles, please email: 

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