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Find out which Universities and Registered Qualification Providers have agreed to the College RPL Process. Course costs displayed are the annual charge for a full time year, part time costs will vary dependent on the number of modules completed in that year.

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We currently have no university courses to list.

Follow the link through to the providers own web pages to find out more information.

Why are apprenticeships not listed?

Apprenticeships are set up in partnership with the employer (i.e. your force), your learning and development or HR department may be able to tell you what apprenticeships may be available.

The directory contents are for information purposes only. The College of Policing does not endorse or support any of the listed courses, programmes or Institutions. We have not undertaken any tender selection, procurement work or QA of the University or Courses listed in this Directory. It is the responsibility of the individual (or force) to ensure the suitability of the Institution and the course being applied for.

The College does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or appropriateness of the information contained within the links provided in the directory. Please be aware that external sites may contain computer viruses, mal-ware or other programs or materials from outside sources that may be transferred or copied to your system. In no event will the College be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of external resource.

The current Directory contents has been produced following engagement with the HEI forum and desk based research. An application for the inclusion of additional courses can be downloaded here.