Credit Estimator
As a member of your professional body you have access to the Credit Estimator; it can also be accessed by former officers and staff and by Higher Education Institutions and Professional Awarding Bodies. You will not require any specific log in or password details to access the Credit Estimator.
This tool will help you to identify what your prior experience and learning may typically give you, in academic credits, which will in turn help you to achieve a recognised academic or professional qualification.
The below media clip provides an overview and purpose of the Credit Estimator:
The Credit Estimator is easy to use.
Access to the Credit Estimator – you do not need any specific log in details or passwords to access the Credit Estimator.
To access the Credit Estimator click on the icon below:
Information and Guidance
Information and Guidance for individuals, forces and HEIs, explaining the RPL process and highlighting areas for consideration.
Find out which Universities and Registered Qualification Providers have agreed to the College RPL Process. You'll find a list of the courses, examples of some of the course content, location of where the course is, information on how the course is taught as well as an idea of how much it might cost.
How To Apply
These pages help you understand how to apply to have your prior experience and learning recognised
Short Credit Bearing Learning Modules
Several Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) and Professional Awarding Bodies are looking at providing short 'bite sized' credit bearing learning modules relative to topics across policing for officers and staff.
Case Studies
Case Studies to inspire, support and show how RPL can work for the individual, the Force and the HEI