How is a qualification going to help me?

There are a number of benefits to gaining an academic qualification and the RPL process can help you in achieving this.

  • It would give you formal recognition for the skills and experience you have.
  • Provide externally recognised qualifications that have meaning, credibility and transferability within and beyond policing.
  • It could offer opportunities for career progression internally and externally.
  • Help you develop new ways of thinking, by providing differing perspectives and gaining new skills and knowledge.
  • Formalise and develop your skills in problem solving and critical thinking.
  • Allow you the opportunity to learn more about a specialism or area of particular interest to you. This could reinforce and develop your existing skills in challenging and complex roles.
  • It could help address a particular capability gap within your force
  • For some people it can provide them with increased confidence in what they already do and new skills to support this.
  • It can help you understand the benefits of evidence based practise and how to make best use of this in your work.

Case Studies